WordPress Page Features

Upon installation, WordPress helps get you started by included some existing content for your website. You can then use the existing layout (also called a “Template”, more on this later) or you can change it later. Either way, now is a good time to get to know the basic parts of a WordPress page.


The five basic parts of a WordPress page are:

  1. The Header – This area includes the Title of your website, and your layout (Theme) may show an image and a tagline as well.
  2. The Menu Bar – Here are the navigation links to get to different pages on your site.
  3. The Body or Post – Here is where the unique content for this page will be located.
  4. The Sidebar – Widgets are little information tools for your website that reside in the Sidebar. The side bar can be on the left, right or both depending on your layout. Widgets are things like a search bar, a calendar, a list of recent blog posts, and more. We’ll get into widgets later as well.
  5. The Footer – The bottom of your page is called the Footer. Most people include things like copyright information, author’s name, business address, and other information that will be relevant on every page of the site.

Different layouts (Themes) will have different elements, looks and locations for some of the items above.