Installing WordPress
Installing WordPress is easy because the process has been automated for you.
- Simply log into your control panel
- Click on the Softaculous icon
- Then click the WordPress link on the left side. You’ll then be guided through the simple steps to install the program. See tips below for some important pointers.
- You can now begin building your site. When you first log in, WordPress will present a page of information welcoming you and giving you some tips on managing your new site.
Tips to know before you begin
- Please keep your WordPress user name and password in a safe place because we will not have a record of it. Should you lose your log in information, you can click the “Forgot your password” link on the log in page. If that fails, our engineers can manually try to recover your log in information (but there may be a charge for this service).
- Where you install the program is important to consider. By default, Softaculous will install it into a directory called “wp” which is fine for testing if you do not intent to make this your final site.
- If you want to use WordPress for your primary website, you need to remove the “wp” from the “In Directory” field (which you will see in Softaculous when installing). Note that this will probably overwrite your current website if you have one.
- If you want to keep your existing website while you build your new WordPress site you may need to have a professional migrate the site to your home directory when finished (we can do this for you but it can add to your expenses if you don’t do the following). When installing, you should not use the default “wp” directory name. Instead (for technical reasons,) you should change “wp” to a phrase that will not be in the wordpress database such as “newsite”. This will make the migration to the home directory go much smoother.
- If you wish, you can use the same tools we do to migrate your site to the home directory. The two primary plug ins that we use are All-in-One WP Migration By ServMask and Search & Replace by By Inpsyde GmbH as well as the PHPMyAdmin tool in your control panel. Note, we cannot provide support if you attempt to migrate the site yourself but we can restore the website to the most recent backup (we backup each night).