Update Contact Info

This feature allows you to change your primary contact email addresses. These email addresses will function as the main contact points for notifying you of new information regarding your website. It is recommended that you use an email address not affiliated with your...

Change Style

Styles (sometimes called “skins”) define how the cPanel interface appears within your web browser. cPanel offers several styles for you to choose from. To change the style your cPanel account uses: • Click the Switch Style To … button.

Change Language

This feature defines the default display language of the cPanel interface. More languages can be found at the user-driven language interface portal at http://lang.cpanel.net. To change the default language: • Select a language from the Set Language to pull-down menu....


This feature will create a quick way to access your cPanel interface or your webmail by creating a shortcut. A shortcut is an icon on the desktop or browser that will access a desired feature or application with a single click. You can create a shortcut by clicking,...

Security Policy

If your hosting provider has disabled logins from unverified IP addresses, anyone who tries to access your cPanel account from an unverified IP address will be prompted to answer 4 security questions when logging in. Your hosting provider uses this measure to help...